The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Coffee Beans in Toronto and Canada

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and Toronto is no exception. There are countless coffee shops and cafes serving up delicious cups of joe to locals and visitors alike. But with so many choices, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to finding the best coffee beans in Toronto.

That’s why we’ve created the ultimate guide to help you find the best beans for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a light and refreshing roasts or something dark and bold, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also share our top tips for storage and brewing, so you can get the most out of your beans.

So what are you waiting for? Keep reading to learn more about finding the best coffee beans in Toronto!

Different types of coffee beans

There are three main types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica.

Arabica coffee beans are the most popular type of coffee bean. They are grown in Central and South America, Africa, India, and Indonesia. Arabica coffee beans have a higher acidity than other types of coffee beans, and they are known for their sweetness and complex flavor profiles.

Robusta coffee beans are less acidic than Arabica coffee beans, and they have a higher caffeine content. Robusta coffee beans are grown in Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brazil. Robusta coffee beans are often used in blends because they add body and depth of flavor.

Liberica coffee beans are the least common type of coffee bean. They are grown in West Africa and Indonesia. Liberica coffee beans have a unique flavor profile that is fruity and floral with hints of chocolate.

Benefits of Fair Trade and Organic Coffee Beans

When it comes to coffee beans, there are two main types: Fair Trade and Organic. Both have their own unique benefits that make them ideal for different situations.

Fair Trade coffee beans are those that have been grown and harvested under fair labor conditions. This means that the farmers who grew the beans were paid a fair wage for their work, and that no child labor was involved in the harvest. These coffee beans often have a deep, rich flavor profile because they were grown in ideal conditions.

Organic coffee beans are those that were grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. This results in a coffee bean that is free of harmful chemicals and is better for the environment. These coffee beans often have a lighter, brighter flavor profile because they weren’t exposed to harsh chemicals during growth.

Both Fair Trade and Organic coffee beans have their own unique benefits that make them ideal for different situations. If you’re looking for a rich, flavorful cup of coffee, then Fair Trade beans are the way to go. If you’re looking for a healthier option that is better for the environment, then Organic beans are the way to go.

Recipes with Coffee Beans

As coffee beans are roasted, they release oils that provide different flavors. The longer the beans are roasted, the darker and more intense the flavor will be. For a light and mild flavor, select a light roast; for a strong and robust flavor, select a dark roast.

Coffee beans can be used in many recipes, not just for brewing coffee. They can be ground and used as a spice in rubs for meats or added to desserts for a little extra flavor. Below are some recipes that showcase coffee beans in unique and delicious ways.

-Coffee Rubbed Ribeye Steak: This recipe uses coffee beans that have been coarsely ground and mixed with smoked paprika, garlic powder, and salt to create a flavorful rub for steak.

-Chocolate Chip Coffee Cookies: These cookies are made with dark roast coffee beans that have been finely ground. The grind gives the cookies a deep chocolate flavor that is balanced by the sweetness of the chocolate chips.

-Coffee Cake: This cake gets its rich flavor from using espresso instead of water in the recipe. Coffee beans are also ground and used as part of the topping, giving it a crunchy texture.


Thanks for reading our guide! We hope you found it helpful in your quest to find the best coffee beans in Toronto and Canada.

There are many different factors to consider when choosing coffee beans. The type of bean, the origin, the roasting process, and the grind all play a role in the final flavor of the coffee.

Finding the best coffee beans takes time and experimentation. Try different beans from different places and roast them in different ways to find what you like best.

Once you find a few favorites, stock up so you can always enjoy a great cup of coffee.

Equator Coffee Roasters was created to connect the coffee farmer to the coffee drinker. We believe the world is a better place with coffee that is sourced ethically and grown organically. At the Equator, coffee is more than just a beverage; it is a way of changing the world. ‘

We use the best coffee beans in Toronto and sell the best coffee. Our goal is to let that light shine brighter with every customer who hears the story, every staff member who tells the story, and every producer partner who lives it! Better coffee makes a better world. Visit us today to know more about our services.

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